Workshop overview
Financial modelling requires a broad skill set: Accounting,
finance, spreadsheet, design, presentation and communication skills
are all used. This workshop brings together those skills and shows
how they can be applied to produce best-practice financial models.
Why you should attend
You will gain skills in producing models that are efficient,
user-friendly, easy to adapt and feature-rich. Your models will
generate key insights and support for analysis, reporting,
decision-making and management.
Key takeaways
- Learn the objectives, principles and methods of financial
- Gain expertise in spreadsheet functions and tools used to build
efficient and well-presented financial models
- Master and apply the essential finance principles underlying the
key concepts of value, risk and return
- Discover techniques to make models easily extended, maintained
and adapted
- Develop sophisticated "what-if" and scenario analyses
- Build clearly understandable, "bullet-proof" and
user-friendly models
Who should attend
The following roles will benefit from the workshop:
- Financial controllers
- Commercial, financial, investment, planning, risk and systems
- Management, operations, commercial and financial accountants
- Performance and planning, reporting and analysis, capital and
funding, treasury, project and business and support managers
- Principal advisors
- Chief financial officers
Introduction to financial modelling objectives and outcomes
- The true breadth and scope of financial modelling
- The process of financial modelling
- How the financial system we are modelling responds to its
- Key metrics and how they feed into the decision-making process
Generating key metrics and performance indicators
- Understanding the business being modelled
- Understanding drivers, constraints, inputs and outputs
- How are key metrics derived?
- Quantifying key metrics such as value and risk
Financial modelling as a valuable management tool
- Reporting on how realised key metrics compared with modelled
- What caused variances?
- What “trajectories” are key measures taking?
- Using financial models for scenario, sensitivity, attribution,
and what-if analysis
- Risk assessment: gaining a sense of risk exposure
Finance concepts and financial functions
- Applying finance principles and functions
- Key concepts: Present and future value, discount and hurdle
rates, cost of capital
- Spreadsheet financial functions: NPV, XNPV, IRR, NOMINAL
Spreadsheet functions, tools and features used in financial
This section of the course presents a broad scope of spreadsheet
applications, some are simple and others are more complex. Their
purpose is to illustrate many of the capabilities - some of them not
well known - of spreadsheets. Almost all of the examples are
- Logical, referencing and aggregation functions
- Arithmetic and ranking functions
- Error handling functions
- Date functions
- Auditing tools
- Custom formats
- Charts and templates
- Keyboard shortcuts
Accounting and finance concepts that underlie modelling
Financial modelling builds on accounting and finance concepts. This
section reviews the accounting and finance theory that is needed for
effective financial modelling.
- Balance Sheet
- Income statement
- Cash flow statement
- Finance concepts
Design and construction of models
- Structuring the model
- Logical organisation of tabs and worksheets
- Determining appropriate periodicity
- Dealing with one-off / irregular or short-term events
- Planning for sensitivity / scenarios / stress-test analysis
- Generating summary sheets: High and low-level model results
- Model consistency checking and reporting
- Valuation
- Calculation of ratios
Goal-Seeking and the Solver